Seminario de autores Elsevier en la UZ [Junio 2015]
“How to Write Great Papers: From title to references, from submission to publication”
June 4th, 2015 -- 16:00 hr- 19:30 hr.
Salón de Actos - Biblioteca de Humanidades "María Moliner" Calle Pedro Cerbuna,12; 50009 Zaragoza
Elsevier, in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza, is pleased to invite you to attend the Author Seminar “How to Write Great Papers: From title to references, from submission to publication” which will take place on June 4th at Salón de Actos Biblioteca de Humanidades "María Moliner".
The objective of this seminar is to introduce young researchers to skills necessary for the development of a good research article, according to the criteria required by the majority of national and international academic journals. The speakers will share their experiences of editing and publishing articles and their proposals for improvement of the quality and visibility of the scientific publication.
The seminar will be led by Prof. Agustín Estrada-Peña - Dept. of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Univ. of Zaragoza and Associate Editor of the Journal Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases and Dagmar Gebauer, PhD, Senior Publishing Editor, Elsevier who are accredited and experienced international professionals in publishing.
- Presentación de Agustín Estrada-Peña: "1001 common problems when submitting a paper (and how to avoid them) : The point of view of the Editor"
- Presentación de Dagmar Gebauer: "Accepted - but how to get your article noticed? And why you should care ..."
- Presentación de Edward Wedel-Larsen: "Mendeley. Your research anywhere"